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The PESO Model

What Is The PESO Model And Why Should You Care?

Reading Time: 7 minutesPESO is a model that I have embraced because it ties all the different areas of marketing communication together while also allowing us to measure results.  I believe the PESO model is the most effective model available to marketing and public relations (PR) so much that we won’t work with anybody who won’t allow us to use PESO in the planning.  Strong words but as we talk about it more, you’re going to come to understand why I feel that way. Let’sRead More »What Is The PESO Model And Why Should You Care?

Can Public Relations Save Its Self?

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn the last couple of weeks, I have talked about some trends with Facebook and Google that are going to have a big impact on 2020 and beyond. This week will be no different. You see, Public Relations (PR), like many other industries in the past, seems to be choosing irrelevance. The world moving so fast. We’ve seen more change in the last several years than we have had in the previous twenty. Customers have more power now than ever.Read More »Can Public Relations Save Its Self?

What is Native Advertising?

Reading Time: 6 minutesNative advertising is a term that you’ve probably heard but wasn’t quite sure what it was. After all, advertising is advertising, isn’t it? I have often said that marketing communication can be confusing. It covers so many different things that it can be hard to keep track of everything let alone keep up with it. Native advertising falls under paid media because advertising always involves some sort of cost. With advertising in the title, you feel like you should knowRead More »What is Native Advertising?

Does PESO Always Have To Be Integrated?

Reading Time: 6 minutesI use the PESO model to develop integrated marketing communication plans but is that its only use? I always like to look at things from different angles. While PESO is the intention, it doesn’t necessarily have to be used in this way. For the record, I am a huge advocate of integrated plans. They offer more value and you will get better results. For those of you who don’t have the bandwidth, the budget or just aren’t sold on anRead More »Does PESO Always Have To Be Integrated?

Get to the Bottom with Owned Media

Reading Time: 4 minutesWe end our journey into the PESO model by talking about the final piece: owned media. Before we get into it, let’s do a quick review of this integrated marketing communication model. The first week we talked about paid media which is essentially digital advertising. We then talked about earned media, the act of placing content with media outlets. Last week we talked about shared media, better known to most people as social media, and how it can amplify yourRead More »Get to the Bottom with Owned Media

Shared Media is an Important Piece of Marketing

Reading Time: 4 minutesFor most of us, what we know as shared media started in 2002 with Friendster. Of course, I’m not here to give you a history lesson. We’re here to talk about marketing communication. Over the last two weeks, we have been diving deeper into the PESO model, an integrated marketing communication model, developed by Gini Dietrich at Spin Sucks. We have already talked about paid media and earned media so this week, we are going to talk about shared media.Read More »Shared Media is an Important Piece of Marketing

Paid Media is an Important Piece of the Puzzle

Reading Time: 4 minutesPaid media is only one of many pieces that are available in marketing communication efforts. However. if it’s not used right, you won’t see optimal results. I spent years trying to determine how all the different elements of marketing communication would work together to get the best results. Then one day I stumbled upon the PESO model which identifies four components: Paid Media Earned Media Shared Media Owned Media PESO was developed by Gini Dietrich at Spin Sucks. She identified, organized,Read More »Paid Media is an Important Piece of the Puzzle