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What is Earned Media and Why is it Important?

Reading Time: 5 minutesEarned media is probably the most popular tactic amongst public relations (PR) professionals. It has been the bread and butter of the industry for decades but it isn’t just a tactic strictly for PR pros. I practice a hybrid of digital marketing and PR that I reference as marketing communication. Earned media is an important part of what I do. This is the second of four articles in which we are digging deeper into each element of the PESO model.Read More »What is Earned Media and Why is it Important?

Paid Media is an Important Piece of the Puzzle

Reading Time: 4 minutesPaid media is only one of many pieces that are available in marketing communication efforts. However. if it’s not used right, you won’t see optimal results. I spent years trying to determine how all the different elements of marketing communication would work together to get the best results. Then one day I stumbled upon the PESO model which identifies four components: Paid Media Earned Media Shared Media Owned Media PESO was developed by Gini Dietrich at Spin Sucks. She identified, organized,Read More »Paid Media is an Important Piece of the Puzzle

How Earned Media Can Help Your Site’s SEO

Reading Time: 4 minutesOn the surface, it doesn’t seem that earned media and search engine optimization (SEO) have much in common let alone any connection. Yet, they can work together in a way to boost your marketing communication efforts. This isn’t to say that it will. They don’t have to work together at all. Like many things in life, it’s a choice. You can choose to learn how to use them as a one-two punch or you can choose to let them workRead More »How Earned Media Can Help Your Site’s SEO

Help your Business by Building Authentic Relationships

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhether it’s with co-workers, clients, other organizations, or customers building relationships is important. While this seems obvious, there is always a company who is more interested in a sale than a relationship. I understand you want to make money but if you look at your customers and only see dollar signs you may not be in business for long. If you want to keep them coming back, you’re going to need more than a great product. You’re going to needRead More »Help your Business by Building Authentic Relationships

Planning doesn’t have to be a Nightmare

Reading Time: 6 minutesPlanning can be arduous. Even more so if you don’t have a process or a model to help you. Well, lucky for us there is something that we can use to help put together a great marketing communication plan. It’s called GSOT. I have talked about before in a post a few months ago when I wrote about planning. For those of you who missed it, GSOT stands for: Goals Strategy Objectives Tactics Let’s take a closer look at howRead More »Planning doesn’t have to be a Nightmare

Digital Marketing Results Start with your Website

Reading Time: 5 minutesWebsites have been around since the beginning of the internet and its probably for that reason that we take them for granted. If your website could talk, it might throw out comedian Rodney Dangerfield’s signature line, “I don’t get no respect.” There have been plenty of new advances such as social media and digital ads that have been portrayed as the next big thing. The magic bullet that will put your efforts into the stratosphere. Just as the smartphone, tablet,Read More »Digital Marketing Results Start with your Website

For Best Results, Don’t put your Efforts in a Silo

Reading Time: 5 minutesOptions are a wonderful thing. They can give us multiple ways to get where we want to be. I love having options but sometimes, if you’re like me, it can feel like there are so many options that it’s overwhelming. Should you write a blog? How about doing a podcast? Maybe do some geofencing? Social media is important but should you be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat…maybe all the above? What about the media. Every business needs media attention,Read More »For Best Results, Don’t put your Efforts in a Silo

Good Measurement Starts with the Right Goals

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt’s no secret that I am an advocate of measuring marketing communication efforts. Without measurement, how can you ever know if you’re succeeding or failing? Too often we become afraid of metrics because it involves numbers but you need to get over it. Data is the present and the future. Measurement is hard. You need something to measure and that means work. After all, goals and objectives don’t create themselves. We have to conceive them. That’s simple. The hard part isRead More »Good Measurement Starts with the Right Goals