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Content Marketing Is Getting Harder

Reading Time: 8 minutes Content marketing has been a popular tactic for those in marketing and public relations (PR). It’s no wonder. There are many great reasons to use content marketing such as driving traffic to your website, developing thought leadership, and building trust. As with everything, content marketing is not immune to change, and boy has there been plenty of change over the last several years. I recently read an article by Rand Fishkin on the SparkToro blog recently in regards to the… Read More »Content Marketing Is Getting Harder

There Is More To The Process Than Awareness

Reading Time: 7 minutes Many of the actions taken in marketing are about awareness. It’s certainly the top concern of most every prospect that I talk with. A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with a colleague that focused on awareness. We probably didn’t talk about it in the same terms as most. We were both a little frustrated that awareness was the main priority of so many people and so much of the marketing that went on. Awareness is great but… Read More »There Is More To The Process Than Awareness

Do You Know What Content Marketing Is?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Content marketing is more than a buzzword. It’s a way to help grow your business and retain customers. If you have a website and a social media account your creating content and it’s already playing a part in marketing your business. That in itself doesn’t mean that you are a content marketer but it’s a start. This article is going to be an introduction to content marketing. We’ll talk about what it is and then break down the definition of… Read More »Do You Know What Content Marketing Is?

How To Find Topics That Engage Your Audience And Help Your SEO

Reading Time: 6 minutes Finding the right topics can be one of the most challenging pieces of content marketing. Over time, I have found ways to keep the idea flowing while also keeping it search engine optimized and organized. I’m going to share some of those tricks with you today. As a bonus, I will also show you how you can take your current content and use it across multiple channels to benefit your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and find your audience. As I… Read More »How To Find Topics That Engage Your Audience And Help Your SEO