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Stop Treating Transparency as an Enemy

Reading Time: 9 minutes Transparency shouldn’t be scary. It’s a vital part of your business. Transparency sometimes feels like one of those buzzwords that people advocate but don’t always practice themselves. Why is that? Is it because it’s radical candor that could get you in trouble? Or maybe it could mean that your trade secrets are released into the wild for your competitors to exploit. It could be these two things and more but transparency isn’t your enemy and it shouldn’t be scary. There… Read More »Stop Treating Transparency as an Enemy

Doing Research Will Supercharge Your Marketing

Reading Time: 6 minutes If you want to improve your marketing start doing your research What enters your mind when you think of research? Is it people in white coats with microscopes and beakers like the picture above? When I think of research I often think of when I was in college and sitting in the library pouring over academic articles I might use as part of a paper I was writing. The fact is research is much more than either of these two… Read More »Doing Research Will Supercharge Your Marketing

5 Things to Consider Before You Build a Community

Reading Time: 9 minutes An online community can help build relationships and affinity but before you start to build there are some things you need to consider. There are many ways to help build your brand and community has found its way to the top of that list.  It makes sense. Community is great way to connect with people, build relationships, share ideas, build affinity, and even create leads for your business.  With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that many marketing… Read More »5 Things to Consider Before You Build a Community

Is the Marketing Funnel Still Relevant to Modern Marketers?

Reading Time: 6 minutes The marketing funnel has been around for ages but times have changed and customers are changing with them. Does the marketing funnel still have a place in your marketing and communication strategy? Read any topic related to marketing and it’s not uncommon for the marketing funnel to find its way into the conversation. It shouldn’t come as a surprise as the marketing funnel has long been considered a valuable tool. As times have changed, people have changed with it. The… Read More »Is the Marketing Funnel Still Relevant to Modern Marketers?

Should You Focus On Brand Loyalty or Brand Affinity?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Brand loyalty and brand affinity. These are two ideas marketers and public relations (PR) people love to talk about. Well, maybe the talk is more about brand loyalty but brand affinity hasn’t been left out in the cold. More marketers talk about brand affinity all the time and with good reason. Consumers have changed over the years. They have also become savvier as more are interested in a brand’s actions and what it stands for. This means there are a… Read More »Should You Focus On Brand Loyalty or Brand Affinity?

We Need to Talk About Social Media

Reading Time: 7 minutes Social media has been woven into our social fabric. It seems like almost everybody has some sort of social presence. It could be Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook or a combination of these. Heck, I’ve been on all these platforms at one point or another (minus TikTok). I actively maintain no less than four social profiles on different social networks and that’s not counting my business accounts. Of course, being an advocate of the PESO model, created by… Read More »We Need to Talk About Social Media

What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond? Part 3

Reading Time: 9 minutes This is the final stop in our series on the marketing skills that you need for 2021 and beyond. Before we get into the final three marketing skills, I’m going to do a quick review of what’s already been covered. In the first article I talked about the first three marketing skills: The world is moving a quick pace and you need to be able to be able to embrace change or accept your extinction. We talked the complexity of… Read More »What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond? Part 3

What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond? Part 2

Reading Time: 9 minutes This is the second post of a three-part journey into a discussion about the marketing skills that you will need in 2021 and into the future to be successful. In case you missed it, in the first post I talked about embracing change, communication, and writing. If you haven’t read the first article yet, let me give you a quick taste. Change is arguably moving at the fastest pace since the industrial revolution. If you aren’t willing to embrace change… Read More »What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond? Part 2

What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond?

Reading Time: 9 minutes This is the time of year where the prediction posts start popping up. I’ve gotta say, I’m not really a fan. Sure, they can be kind of fun, like pulling out a board game and playing it with family and friends, but they don’t provide much value. To be honest, I stopped for a quick second and thought about writing a prediction post. After that second passed, I laughed at the idea and set out to create something tangible. Something… Read More »What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond?

Three Ways to Use Shared Media to Reach Your Marketing Goals

Reading Time: 6 minutes A few years ago I ran across an article that stated the opinion that shared media had been assimilated by marketing. The point being that most social media posts were just marketing messages. While posting on social media can be part of a marketing or even public relations (PR) plan, it seems like a rather broad statement to say that marketing has completely taken over social media. It did bring in the bigger question of how shared media is used.… Read More »Three Ways to Use Shared Media to Reach Your Marketing Goals