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Should You Focus On Brand Loyalty or Brand Affinity?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Brand loyalty and brand affinity. These are two ideas marketers and public relations (PR) people love to talk about. Well, maybe the talk is more about brand loyalty but brand affinity hasn’t been left out in the cold. More marketers talk about brand affinity all the time and with good reason. Consumers have changed over the years. They have also become savvier as more are interested in a brand’s actions and what it stands for. This means there are aRead More »Should You Focus On Brand Loyalty or Brand Affinity?

What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond? Part 2

Reading Time: 9 minutes This is the second post of a three-part journey into a discussion about the marketing skills that you will need in 2021 and into the future to be successful. In case you missed it, in the first post I talked about embracing change, communication, and writing. If you haven’t read the first article yet, let me give you a quick taste. Change is arguably moving at the fastest pace since the industrial revolution. If you aren’t willing to embrace changeRead More »What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond? Part 2

What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond?

Reading Time: 9 minutes This is the time of year where the prediction posts start popping up. I’ve gotta say, I’m not really a fan. Sure, they can be kind of fun, like pulling out a board game and playing it with family and friends, but they don’t provide much value. To be honest, I stopped for a quick second and thought about writing a prediction post. After that second passed, I laughed at the idea and set out to create something tangible. SomethingRead More »What Marketing Skills Do You Need for 2021 and Beyond?

Three Ways to Use Shared Media to Reach Your Marketing Goals

Reading Time: 6 minutes A few years ago I ran across an article that stated the opinion that shared media had been assimilated by marketing. The point being that most social media posts were just marketing messages. While posting on social media can be part of a marketing or even public relations (PR) plan, it seems like a rather broad statement to say that marketing has completely taken over social media. It did bring in the bigger question of how shared media is used.Read More »Three Ways to Use Shared Media to Reach Your Marketing Goals

6 People You Need To Follow

Reading Time: 6 minutes There will be a host of words that we will use to describe 2020. Few of them will have much positivity attached to them.  It’s been a challenging year. I feel like I’ve been run through the gauntlet on both the personal and professional levels. Lost clients, revenue, and relationships. However, there have been bright spots as well. One door closes and another opens. Not always as fast as we want but patience is a virtue. At least that whatRead More »6 People You Need To Follow

Content Is The Heart Of Your Website

Reading Time: 13 minutes Owned media is only one piece of the puzzle but it is really at the center of your marketing efforts. I spend a lot of time talking about owned media and the other pieces that make up the PESO model, created by Gini Dietrich at Spin Sucks. For those of you who might be new readers and haven’t heard of the PESO, welcome. The PESO model is an integrated marketing model that is made up of: Owned media is whereRead More »Content Is The Heart Of Your Website

Three Myths That Will Ruin Your Marketing

Reading Time: 5 minutes If search the internet long enough, you will likely discover all sorts of marketing myths. Marketing myths are easy to fall for because on the surface they seem to make sense. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find that what you’re being told is either incomplete or doesn’t make complete sense. Inside every marketing myth is something that speaks to your prior experiences in some way. They appeal to the way you wish things were or can be. In otherRead More »Three Myths That Will Ruin Your Marketing

Transparency is Essential To Your Success

Reading Time: 7 minutes Transparency is one of those buzzwords people like to talk about but don’t necessarily like to implement. Frankly, I’m not surprised by that. Like everything else this is a choice. There is a certain amount of courage that is needed to be transparent. It feels like sharing your secrets with people and waiting to be judged which can be uncomfortable. If that’s the way you look at it, you won’t transparent. In fact, it’s more likely that you will beRead More »Transparency is Essential To Your Success

Three Lessons from Eddie Van Halen That You Can Apply To Marketing

Reading Time: 6 minutes Eddie Van Halen has been considered one of the top guitarists in rock history since early in his career but what does that have to do with marketing and public relations (PR)? Turns out much more than you might realize. I wasn’t going to write this post originally and but I’ve consumed with Van Halen since Eddie’s unexpected death. Van Halen was one of my favorite bands growing up as they are now and Eddie’s guitar wizardry never fails toRead More »Three Lessons from Eddie Van Halen That You Can Apply To Marketing

Integrated Marketing Plans: Why Do They Get The Best Results?

Reading Time: 9 minutes I really like integrated marketing plans and for good reason. They perform better. But why? That’s a good question but we are jumping ahead. Let’s take a step back first and get on the same page. First I’m going to talk about what integrated marketing is and then we will get into planning. I’m also show you some examples of how integrated marketing plans work. Once you start thinking about planning from a perspective of integration, it’s hard to go backRead More »Integrated Marketing Plans: Why Do They Get The Best Results?