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The Importance of Creating a Connection With Your Marketing

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhy do you feel you need to market your company and its products/services? I’m not being a smart aleck.   I want yout to think about it because sometimes people don’t have an answer when I ask them.  Let me reframe the question. Why might you want to engage in a marketing and communication program? For clarity’s sake when I refer to communication, I’m talking about public relations.  I will throw out some reasons that I’ve heard.  You want toRead More »The Importance of Creating a Connection With Your Marketing

Reach vs Visibility: Which is Right for Your Marketing?

Reading Time: 4 minutesA few weeks ago I was reading a newsletter and the author was having fun with a “what’s in and what’s out” list for 2024.  There was one thing on the list that stood out to me. It showed visibility being in and reach being out. My first reaction was that visibility should always be in but it made me think. Should that always be the case? Unless you live in a world where nuance doesn’t exist, the answer is, itRead More »Reach vs Visibility: Which is Right for Your Marketing?

Focus Your Marketing Efforts By Saying “No”

Reading Time: 7 minutesMarketing in our modern world has many ways to connect with people across multiple channels in unique and entertaining ways that can create the type of engagement that doesn’t just bring you new customers but ardent and loyal followers as well.  It’s probably the kind of thing that your marketing grandparents would have killed for.  But there is risk involved that comes in the form of saying yes when you should be saying no.  This might sound contradictory to gettingRead More »Focus Your Marketing Efforts By Saying “No”

Focus Your Marketing with a Strategic Plan

Reading Time: 5 minutesWe are a little more than three months from the new year and you what that means: It’s time to think about creating your 2024 strategic marketing plan.  I know it seems a little early but time flies.  Before you know it Halloween will be upon us. A short time later you will be celebrating Thanksgiving and then you will be in full-blown holiday mode with Christmas and New Year’s barreling down on you. There is no better time toRead More »Focus Your Marketing with a Strategic Plan

Is X a Valuable Tool for Marketing and Communication?

Reading Time: 6 minutesA few months ago, I wrote an article about Twitter but much has changed since then.  For one, Twitter has been rebranded simply as X as part of its owner’s master plan to create an everything app, a vision he’s held for a long time.  There is a question that has been looming in my mind for months now. Not only for those who currently use X but for those who might be considering using it as part of theirRead More »Is X a Valuable Tool for Marketing and Communication?

Measure Your Marketing to Unlock Valuable Insights

Reading Time: 6 minutesMeasuring your marketing and communication is one of the important things you will do. It will help you fine-tune your efforts so you can get the most out of your marketing. But first, let’s talk about what this post is not. It’s not about how to analyze your data. If that’s what you’re looking for, I highly recommend visiting Trust Insights. This is not about how to use Google Analytics but this is a good time to remind you thatRead More »Measure Your Marketing to Unlock Valuable Insights

A Guide on Selecting the Right Channels for Your Integrated Marketing Communication Program

Reading Time: 8 minutesIn the last article, we talked about why you should use integrated marketing communication for your business.  As I was editing that piece, it dawned on me that it didn’t cover how you make the decision of what channels you should use.   When it comes down to it, what is right for you might not be right for me, and vice versa. So, where do you begin to make this type of decision? You need to research so you canRead More »A Guide on Selecting the Right Channels for Your Integrated Marketing Communication Program

The Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communication for Small Businesses

Reading Time: 8 minutesSmall businesses have more marketing resources than ever but there are still challenges. There is more noise. There is more fragmentation as people move across multiple social media platforms, listen to and watch streaming networks, and consume podcasts, videos, and articles on the internet. It’s also easier for people to avoid what they aren’t interested in. In today’s world, if you want to continue to compete, you need to let go of the old marketing ideas of blasting ads andRead More »The Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communication for Small Businesses