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Marketing Communication: The Thanksgiving Edition

Reading Time: 3 minutes

happy thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is in only two days. Where has this year gone? I can’t believe 2019 is already around the corner.

We’ve been talking about the GSOT model (Goals, Strategy, Objectives, Tactics) the last couple of weeks and I’ll step back into our conversation next time. This time I thought I would do something different.

Many families have a tradition where they go around the table and say what they are thankful for before starting their Thanksgiving feast. Taking a cue from them I thought I would talk about four things that I am thankful for this year. So, welcome to the Thanksgiving edition.

Google Analytics

If you read my blog this isn’t a surprise. My days at Intel made me a junkie for numbers and measuring. Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to see how your website is performing. It will tell you where traffic is coming from, what platform they are using, how long they are staying on your site, and much more. It’s a fantastic tool. If you’re not measuring your website traffic you’re missing a key component of what you need to be successful. I want you to be successful. Head to Google and set up your analytics account now.


I have a friend who just wouldn’t stop raving about CoSchedule. She loved it so much that she said she would like to marry it. Funny enough, CoSchedule sent her flowers and took her up on her offer. Well, any brand that reacts like that has my attention. After thinking about it most the year I decided to take the plunge.

For those of you who don’t know, CoSchedule allows you to manage your social media activities, blog posts, ads, projects, and tasks in one place. I will have a more detailed review on it in the future, but for now, I can tell you I save so much time with this tool, it’s ridiculous. Thank goodness I found it. If you haven’t had a chance, you should check it out.


Before I found Sumo, I had a section on the right side of my site that asked for people to sign-up for my newsletter. It looked rather tacky, like something from 1996. Then I found Sumo and my site feels so much more professional. It allows me to set up pop-ups that ask people to sign-up. It gives me control on when they happen and the style. And best of all, they measure everything (how I love to measure things).

Spin Sucks

Gini Dietrich, Laura Petrolino, and Mike (#mikeisthebest) Connell are the gurus at Spin Sucks, or as I like to refer to them, The Spin Suckers (This will be new to all of them. I usually only use that phrase in my head). The information they share on the Spin Sucks blog is invaluable. Even better, there is a Spin Sucks community. I would love to name everybody who has been kind enough to share advice and answer my questions but this article would just turn into a list of names, which, would be kind of boring. However,  I am so thankful that I found them and the community. They have been a major influence and a great help to how I do this thing called marketing communication.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I could probably go on but I’m stopping at four. Now it’s your turn. I want to hear what you are thankful for this year but in the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Shane Carpenter
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